const { models } = require("../../sequelize"); const { Sequelize, Op } = require("sequelize"); const moment = require("moment"); function checkParams(query) { //проверка параметров на формат и их данные let errors = {}; let queryInfo = {}; //Все значения из запроса превратим в нужный формат для использования if ( { //проверка дат queryInfo.dates =",").sort(); if (queryInfo.dates.length > 2) = "You need to use 2 or less dates in query"; else if ( !( moment(queryInfo.dates[0], "YYYY-MM-DD", true).isValid() && moment( queryInfo.dates[1] || queryInfo.dates[0], "YYYY-MM-DD", true ).isValid() ) ) { = "Wrong date format"; } } if (query.status) { //проверка статуса if (!(query.status === "0" || query.status === "1")) errors.status = "Status can only be 0 or 1"; else queryInfo.status = parseInt(query.status); } if (query.teacherIds) { //проверка id учителей let teacherIds = query.teacherIds.split(","); queryInfo.teacherIds = []; for (teacherId of teacherIds) { let id = +teacherId; if ( isNaN(id) || id % 1 > 0 || id < 1 || queryInfo.teacherIds.includes(id) ) errors.teacherIds = "teacherIds can only be unique integer more than 0"; else queryInfo.teacherIds.push(id); } } if (query.studentsCount) { //проверка количества учеников let studentsCounts = query.studentsCount.split(",").sort(); queryInfo.studentsCount = []; if (studentsCounts.length > 2) errors.studentsCount = "You need to use 2 or less studentsCounts in query"; else for (studentsCount of studentsCounts) { let count = +studentsCount; if (isNaN(count) || count % 1 > 0 || count < 0) errors.studentsCount = "studentsCounts can only be integer greater than or equal to 0"; else queryInfo.studentsCount.push(count); } } if ( { //проверка номера страницы let page =; if (isNaN(page) || page % 1 > 0 || page < 1) = "Page can only be integer more than 0"; else = page; } if (query.lessonsPerPage) { //проверка количества учеников let lessonsPerPage = +query.lessonsPerPage; if (isNaN(lessonsPerPage) || lessonsPerPage % 1 > 0 || lessonsPerPage < 1) errors.lessonsPerPage = "lessonsPerPage can only be integer more than 0"; else queryInfo.lessonsPerPage = lessonsPerPage; } return { queryInfo, errors }; } function getWhereParametres(queryInfo) { //Преобразуем параметры в условия запроса let where = {}; let and = []; if (queryInfo.dates) { //Добавляем условие на проверку даты занятия if (queryInfo.dates.length == 2) = { [Op.between]: [queryInfo.dates[0], queryInfo.dates[1]] }; else = { [Op.eq]: queryInfo.dates[0] }; } if (queryInfo.status !== undefined) //Добавляем условие на проверку статуса занятия where.status = { [Op.eq]: queryInfo.status }; if (queryInfo.studentsCount) { //Добавляем условие на проверку количества учеников записанных на занятие if (queryInfo.studentsCount.length == 2) and.push({ id: Sequelize.literal(` (SELECT CAST(COUNT(lesson_students.student_id)AS INT) AS studentsCount FROM public.lessons AS lessons_student LEFT OUTER JOIN public.lesson_students AS lesson_students ON = lesson_students.lesson_id WHERE = GROUP BY BETWEEN ${queryInfo.studentsCount[0]} AND ${queryInfo.studentsCount[1]}`), }); else and.push({ id: Sequelize.literal(` (SELECT CAST(COUNT(lesson_students.student_id)AS INT) AS studentsCount FROM public.lessons AS lessons_student LEFT OUTER JOIN public.lesson_students AS lesson_students ON = lesson_students.lesson_id WHERE = GROUP BY = ${queryInfo.studentsCount[0]}`), }); } if (queryInfo.teacherIds) //Добавляем условие на проверку наличия учителей на занятии = { [Op.any]: Sequelize.literal(` (SELECT FROM public.lessons AS lessons_in LEFT OUTER JOIN public.lesson_teachers AS lesson_teachers ON = lesson_teachers.lesson_id WHERE lesson_teachers.teacher_id = ANY (SELECT unnest(ARRAY[${queryInfo.teacherIds}])) GROUP BY `), }; return { ...where, [Op.and]: and }; } async function getAll(req, res) { let query = checkParams(req.query); if (Object.keys(query.errors).length > 0) { return res.status(400).json({ isSuccess: false, errors: query.errors }); } const lessons = await models.lessons.findAll({ offset: (query.queryInfo.lessonsPerPage || 5) * (( || 1) - 1) || 0, limit: query.queryInfo.lessonsPerPage || 5, attributes: { include: [ //добавляем счетчик учеников посетивших занятие [ Sequelize.literal(`(SELECT COALESCE((SELECT CAST(COUNT(lesson_students.visit) AS INT) FROM lesson_students WHERE = lesson_students.lesson_id AND lesson_students.visit GROUP BY,0))`), "visitCount", ], ], }, include: [ { model: models.students, as: "students", attributes: { //Переносим аттрибут посещенного занятия из таблицы lesson_students include: [ [ Sequelize.literal( `(SELECT lesson_students.visit FROM lesson_students WHERE lesson_students.student_id = and lesson_students.lesson_id =` ), "visit", ], ], }, through: { model: models.lesson_students, attributes: [], }, }, { model: models.teachers, as: "teachers", through: { model: models.lesson_teachers, attributes: [], }, }, ], where: getWhereParametres(query.queryInfo), order: [["date", "ASC"]], }); res.status(200).json({ isSuccess: true, lessons }); } async function checkBody(body) { //проверка параметров на формат и их данные let errors = {}; if (Array.isArray(body.teacherIds)) { //проверка id учителей на нужный формат и значения for (let id of body.teacherIds) if (!Number.isInteger(id) || id < 1) errors.teacherIds = "teacherId must be integer more than 0"; if (errors.teacherIds == undefined) await models.teachers .findAll({ where: { id: { []: body.teacherIds, }, }, }) .then(function (teachers) { if (teachers.length != body.teacherIds.length) errors.teacherIds = "You must use unique teacherIds"; }) .catch(function (err) { errors.teacherIds = "Some teacherIds cant be found"; }); } else errors.teacherIds = "Wrong teacherIds format"; if (!(typeof body.title === "string" || body.title instanceof String)) //проверка названия на нужный формат и значения errors.title = "Wrong title format"; if (Array.isArray(body.days)) { //проверка дней на нужный формат и значения let days = []; for (let day of body.days) if (!Number.isInteger(day) || day < 0 || day > 6 || days.includes(day)) errors.days = "day must be unique integer more than or equal 0 and less than or equal 6"; else days.push(day); } else errors.days = "Wrong days format"; if (!moment(body.firstDate, "YYYY-MM-DD", true).isValid()) //проверка первой даты на нужный формат и значения errors.firstDate = "Wrong firstDate format"; if (body.lessonsCount != undefined && body.lastDate != undefined) //проверка на отсутствие обоих параметров errors.parametres = "You cant use lessonsCount and lastDate at the same time"; if (body.lessonsCount == undefined && body.lastDate == undefined) //проверка на присутствие обоих параметров errors.parametres = "You have missed lessonsCount or lastDate"; if (body.lastDate && !moment(body.lastDate, "YYYY-MM-DD", true).isValid()) //проверка последней даты на нужный формат и значения errors.lastDate = "Wrong lastDate format"; if (body.lessonsCount && (!Number.isInteger(body.lessonsCount) || body.lessonsCount < 1 || body.lessonsCount > 300)) errors.lessonsCount = "lessonsCount must be integer more than 0 and less than or equal 300"; //проверка количества занятий на нужный формат и значения return errors; } async function create(req, res) { let errors = await checkBody(req.body); if (Object.keys(errors).length > 0) { res.status(400).json({ isSuccess: false, errors }); } else { let date = moment(req.body.firstDate); let col = 0; let data = []; //создаем массив занятий который необходимо записать в базу данных while (col < (req.body.lessonsCount ? req.body.lessonsCount : 300) && date <= (req.body.lastDate? moment(req.body.lastDate) : moment(req.body.firstDate).add(1, "year"))) { if (req.body.days.includes( { data.push({ title: req.body.title, date: date.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), }); col++; } date.add(1, "day"); } let lessons = await models.lessons.bulkCreate(data); let assotiations = []; for await (let lesson of lessons) for (let teacherId of req.body.teacherIds) { assotiations.push({ lesson_id:, teacher_id: teacherId, }); } await models.lesson_teachers.bulkCreate(assotiations); res.status(201).json({isSuccess: true, lessonIds: =>}); } } module.exports = { getAll, create, };