# Telegram bot template This is a template for telegram bot that used library aiogram. This project was created for me to quickly create a telegram bot. I hope it will be useful to you. If you have any suggestions, please write to me, I will be glad to hear them. You can use it as a basis for your project. This template ready for run as a docker container. There are a few simple examples of handlers. Write your logic in the `bot_lib/` directory. Handlers place in the `handlers/` directory and connect them in the `bot.py` file. ## How to run in docker 1. Clone the repository. 2. Run `docker-compose up -d` and wait for the build to finish. ## Structure * `bot.py`: point of entry into the bot * `bot_lib/`: place here the logic of the bot, additional functions * `bot_lib/bot_create.py`: creating Dispatcher, CallbackData, Storage and other instances * `bot_lib/settings.py`: the bot settings * `handlers/`: handlers for bot commands * `handlers/message_handlers.py`: handlers for user messages * `handlers/callback_handlers.py`: handlers for callback requests * `keyboards/`: keyboards for bot * `keyboards/common_keyboards.py`: additional functions for creating keyboards * `Dockerfile`: file for building docker image * `docker-compose.yml`: used to run the bot * `requirements.txt`: list of package dependencies